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Author: kollapsus On: 27.06.2017

Important to read at first: After 44 years - on 18th. I am still full of other ideas including some travels. Also I want to move a bit more for my health instead of sitting too long behind the computer. You can use all information for yourself. If you use infos and fotos for any other reason like publications please know, that there is still Copyright on all of it by myself and others.

I did my best to write most in English. If I missed some ,,,,, please take some of these and put them on the right place Churchill! You are on this site: Do you know this in other languages? See a good view for all continents or countries at: Overland from Europe via Asia to, in and around Australia by Motorcycle you find under http: It is free for you to read this and learn out of it.

It is not allowed to take off or to publish any information of this without written permission of Bernd Tesch. Tel 0 I would be grateful if you could help to keep this update! So far you find many language and grammar mistakes inside because of lack of time.

Will be corrected and updated with more Travellers in future. First list with summaries in Internet about "Africa by Motorcycle".

Bernd Tesch has been working in this field since In I visited the most famous motorcycle-travellers in Denmark, in in Britain, in in USA and in between many in Europe France, Germany, Netherland, Switzerland and a few in Russia. This collection was published 28th of may first time To find all this and all my activities was a "life-long job" and cost me a lot of money. About Motorcyle World-Tours. And Saudi Arabia - Jordania - Syria. But much more important is that he knows hundreds of Asia-Motorcycle-Travellers himself.

If there is shown "Book: If you find this book there you can order it. I offer about international available Motorcycle-TRAVEL-Books for sale. If you are an Asia-Motorcycle-Traveller or plan to do this or "on the road" already or know anyone who is not listed here, please send my any details, addresses, publications, homepages and most important: PLEASE give me at first a complete view like this BLOCK-EXAMPLE in the SAME STILE in English: Just overwrite "Sven Mueller" with your name and fill in your infos instead: Solo Around Asia with BMW R GS.

He rode together with Susan Smith British who rode a HONDA XL. Bike solo by plane to Singapure. I flew to Singapure. Malaysia - Thailand - back to Singapure. Or offer names like: Darwin - Adelaide - Melbourne - Sydney I wanted to find myself. I got Malaria in Nairobi.

Attack of soldiers with weapons in Iran Your important useful informations for others: Book or publication about your tour: I am very grateful to all the individuals who knew that I am working in this field. They informed me since worldwide by meeting me, phoning, sending letters, later faxes and emails since about Asia-Motorcycle-Travellers. Without their help I could not get to this level.

This internet-list had to be done in a short time. So please give me your "pardon" that there are mistakes inside of the informations and a lot in my language. Bernd Tesch This collection will be continued. Please give me your view of YOUR Motorcycle-Tour in advance and update finally after the trip! You can talk with high experienced Motorcycle-Travellers who rode all continents so far: The earth is one of nine big planets of the sun. Possibly out of change of gravity in the universe it was caused that dust attracted each other at first to smaller parts which are getting bigger and bigger.

Finally becoming big rocks which attracted each other to big planets. Most of them were attracted by the gravity of the biggest part which is the sun. The nine planets could escape somehow the gravity of the sun and started to circle around the sun. If this cells came by meteroits from other planets or developed on earth is not proved. The northern part was called Laurasis and included N-America, Europe, Asia, North Pole.

The southern part was called Gondwana and included Africa, South America, India, Anarctica and Australia.

They had houses with three floors and flewing water in 8. This civilisation stopped about 1. Possibly a change of the climate was the reason.

This was long before the Egypt civilisation. Later the IndogermanpPeople came from the north and the inhabitants went south. MOst of this known by Epos Mahabharat which was was given by songs from one to the other generation. Im Jahr v. His Greek son, Alexander of Macedoniawas called later "Alexander the Big".

With 28 years he was the Greek king and found and conquered the overland way to India with a huge Greek army. Greek - Turkey - Persia conquered king Dareios at Issos - Syria He died in Persepolis. Hier begann das Perserreich: Mysien- Lydien- Karien Ephesos - Lykien- Pamphylien Side - Kililkien Issos. Eschate - Kabul Khaiber-Pass. Death of Alexander in Babylon or in Persepolis? Reiche der Nachfolger von Griechenland bis zum Indus ca.

Neupersisches Reich der Sassaniden. After 8 years abd They took another route. Sometimes Alexander by boat. Heute, am Sonntag, wollte ich mal ausspannen. Auf TV-ARTE stiess ich auf eine hochinteressante Sendung. Der deutsche Ingenieur Tillmann, ging in Jahren wohl einem Tipp einheimischer Fischer nach. Die Entdeckung einer komplett gesunkenen arabischen Dau war eine historische Sensation. Es stellte sich heraus, dass dieses Holzschiff klein war, aber das Schiff nicht durchgebrochen war und die gesamte Ladung erhalten war; 17 m unter dem Wasser.

Somit hatte man einen uralten Schiffsfund. Die Bretter hatten jeweils Holzlochreihen 2 cm von der Kante. Sie wurden nur aneinander gehalten mit Tauen. Die Spalten dazwischen wurden innen am Schiff mit Baumrinden abgedichtet. Der Wasseranfall war sicher unterschiedlich je nachdem wie schwer die Dau beladen war und wie stark der Sturm und die Wassermassen an dem Schiff zerrten.

Es gab dort keine Fahrzeuge. Hier herrschte die Kaiser Tan g-Dynastie bis Oder sie haben auch bei bewohnten Gegenden Nahrung getauscht. In jedem Fall haben sie teilweise von der See und ihrem Fischangebot auch von getrocknetem Fisch gelebt.

Zur Orientierung benutzen sie damals ein Kamal. Als Marco Polo auf seinem Sterbebett gebeten wurde, wenigstens einige seiner unwahrscheinlichsten Geschichten zu widerrufen, antwortete er: Diese Informationen wurden entnommen aus dem Buch von Timothy Giles Severin born.

Auf den Spuren von Marco Polo. Die 5 x 45min. DVDs englische Sprachfassung "Marco Polo Reloaded" 4 x 52min. Bradley bereist noch einmal jene Route, auf der Marco Polo unterwegs war. Er reist mit dem Bus, Lkw oder per Anhalter. Das Buch Marco Polos hat er im Rucksack und begibt sich auf Spurensuche: Wie gelangte er bis an den chinesischen Kaiserhof? Oder hat er alles nur erfunden? Die Gegend ist menschenleer, wild. Der erste Stopp in China ist die alte Oasen- und Marktstadt Kaschgar.

Heute geht Jadesuchen auf chinesische Art anders: Jahrhundert, bis zum Hof des Kaisers von China. Hier beginnt Bradleys letzte Etappe. Jahrhundert, als Marco Polo reiste.

Bradley reist weiter in die Innere Mongolei, nach Xanadu. Manche Historiker indes zweifeln, ob Marco Polo je bis China kam. Andererseits, viele Orte beschreibt er akkurat. Kanbaliq etwa, das heutige Peking, damals wie heute das Herz des Riesenreiches, das Bradley nach einer Reise von 8.

Eine Fahrt noch auf dem Kaiserkanal bis nach Hangzhou. Mit zwei Dreimastern von und Tonnen Rauminhalt und einem Frachtschiff findet er den Seeweg nach Indien. Damit war der Schifssweg nach Indien am Ich habe das "ganz schnell" notiert als es im TV-Programm gesagt wurde. Das Schiff hatte eine neue Strecke gefunden. Soviel ich es verstanden habe, war das die 3. Reise von James Cook 1. Reise Umreist die Pazifikinseln. Reise Findet Behringstrasse August stachen die beiden Schiffe von Brest aus in See.

Die erste Station war Teneriffa. Im Januar wurde Patagonien erreicht.

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Im Januar landeten die beiden Schiffe in Macao. Petropawlowsk-Kamtschatski ging am Route of Thomas Gaskell Allen and William Lewis Sachtleben. Map out of book: Y Thomas Gaskell Allen, jr.

American, bornlater British citizen and William Lewis Sachtleben American, died A bicycle tour Around-The-World by two American students Thomas Gaskell Allen and William Lewis Sachtleben. They were inspired by Thomas Stevens two books; "Around the World on a Bicycle".

But they are lost somehow until Evald Bentsson in Sweden: During the journey through Turkey did they ascent of Mount Ararat. With Iran on the pilgrim route to Mashad. Furthermore, through Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and into China at Kuldja. They went through the Gobi Desert where one leg of miles was headwind of storm strength and loose sand so they were forced to lug the bikes.

Until Komna they had no soles on your shoes and clothes in rags. They reached the end of the Great Wall of China at Dyou-my-shan. In China they overnighted in filthy mud huts among lice and flies. Upon arrival in Beijing was the bikes in scrap condition. They were the first riders in a country where there are now many hundreds of millions of bicycles. They performed, without maps and signposts, a journey on roads that at best it was camel trails. The whole trip was on a budget and they lived on the same food as the population.

They must constantly learn them most necessary phrases in the language of your areas passed. The book describes a lot of people who live by the distance and the living conditions as well as some historical facts. To add practical experiences to the book knowledge of the university. North America USA Wasington University, St. Louix, Montana somehow to - New York - by ship from N.

The total journey was But the book is about the hardest part, Constantinople to Peking, covering miles. The European part is published in: See "Old Letter Tells", chapter 8. Across Asia on a Bicycle The original book was published appr. Fisher Unwin in London. Across Asia on a Bicycle With addtional notes by Michael W. Across Asia on a Bicycle Paperback: A replication of a book originally published before Published in "Book on Demand" 1. They were the first American who climbed the mountain Ararat in Turkey.

They were the first travellers after Italian Marco Polo who made this tour through Asia in China! Until they made with their They mentioned that America Thomas Steven took the leg via India which was not so dangerous than their leg overland through India. Perry to make sure the row of the book-publications and the ISBN of the new books.

Across Siberia on a bicycle. The Cycle Press, [? Round the world on a wheel. John fuhr mit S. Eduard Lunn und F. Foster Fraser, John - Round the World on a Wheel. Being the Narrative of a Bicycle Ride of Nineteen Thousand Two Hundered and Thirty-seven Miles Through Seventeen Countries and Across Three Continents by John Foster Fraser, S. Edward Lunn and F. First publishedreprinted in by Chatto and Windus; OUT OF PRINT. Thomas Nelson und Sons in English.

Lehwess British - Plan Around-The-World by car. Seit beabsichtigte der Brite mit einem Koch - Auto von Peking nach London zu fahren. In einem Buch von Wilfrid Bade et al.: Das Auto erobert die Welt. The first known planned tour by car Around-The-World. Antiquariat Petri D - Jena Bestellnummer: Mit Abbildungen und einer Karte. Mit dem Schiff nach Indien, Indochina, Hong Kong, Kanton, Shanghai, zu der deutschen Kolonie Kiautschou.

Reisen und Abenteuer bis The journalist of "The Motor Cycle and Motor Cycling" rode This is the first known World-Around-Tour by motorcycle from Great Britain. Ein Buch von R. Hier gibt es eine Literaturliste zu Fussreisenden. This is a Model "Touring Buick from ". This could be the cars McCallum used. By Lglswe - Own work, CC BY-SA 3. Seine Frau war bei der Expedition. Es gab niemand vorher, der das so geschafft hatte. Sie endete aber an der Grenze von Siam Thailand.

Bangkok - Malaya via Kedah. Deshalb weiter per Schiff bis nach Indien Calcutta. Durch Indien nach Lahore und Quetta. Die Bahn wurde gebaut. Baghdad, Damascus- Beirut- Konstantinopel Istanbul. Durch Bulgarien fuhren sie zum Zeitpunkt der Erdbeben.

Die Expeditionsteilnehmer kamen von Griechenland Adrianople im Dorf Papazali an dem Tag an, nachdem es in Schutt und Asche gelegt worden war. Eine Partei, die aus Mr. Germany Innbruck Brenner - Italien Genua - per ship to Syria Beirut Book or publication: Der besitzt in ca. In Persia he travelled parts by aeroplane.

Wegener, Am Kreuzweg der Welten. Wegner und sein Leben. Autorin war Claudia Kuhland. Wuppertal war der Heimatort von Armin T. Redaktion Redaktion Westart. Autor Peter Friedrich Leopold. Dieser baute Kontakt zu "Filmmensch Peter Leopold" auf. Habe diesem auf AB gesprochen.

Er konnte sich gerade noch an den Film erinnern. Hat den Kontakt zu dem Autor, Peter Friedrich Leopold, verloren. Versucht etwas heraus zu bekommen. Vorsitzender der Armin T.

Wegner Gesellschaft Internationale Armin T. Wegner Tage vom 2. Dieser besitzt den ca. Papierbilder hat er nicht. Der Film beginnt bei der Abfahrt in Berlin und geht dann weiter auf den einzelnene Stationen der Reise. Peter Leopold hat diesen Fil von seinen beiden Frauen, die er interviewt hat. Den Film gibt es nur als 16 mm Film.

Autorin war Claudia Kuhlagen. Noch einmal mein klares Anliegen: Wie komme ich an eine Kopie auf DVD? Der Inhaber ist ein Italiener und Privatmann. Dieser sammelt auch alle Gespannfahrer-Filme der Welt. Wi bekommt man die DVD finanziert. Davon habe ich Bilder. Mal schauen was passiert. This is the record of Mr. Charles Oliver and myself, who succesfully accomplished what we set out to do". Auf zwei Gespannen ccm, V 2-Motor in OEC Dublex Rahmen, genannt "Pip" und "Squeak" oder "The Heavenly Twins", fuhren sie Sie fuhren lange und viele Strecken per Schiff.

Who knows them, their earlier or present address of relations or publications about them?? This story is high interesting. If YES this would be a sensation because the so far wellknown first motorcycle-tour overland from Europe to India was made from Austrian Max Reisch in ! Herr Jung vom Stadtarchiv in Hannover schreibt: In unseren Meldeunterlagen ist ein Herr Walter Tonn, Jahrgangverzeichnet. Dieser hat sich am Desweiteren hat Herr Jung mit einem Neffen vom Walter Kontakt aufgenommen.

Interessant ist, das Walter schon seit unterwegs war. Was hat er alles bereist, vor seinen Tod im Iran? Man wird es nie mehr raus bekommen. Ankunft in Berlin Foto from Fritz Simmerlein: Book "Harley Davidson in Deutschland. HD Archives foto collection. Later she married and her name was "Hanni von Skal". Hanni und ihr Begleiter, der Presse-Fotograf Max Rischka Ryschka fuhren: Neun Monate mit Through the Suez-channel - Red Sea - to Asia British India Bombay - by ferry to Ceylon.

By motorcycle-sidecar back in Asia Ceylon Colombo - British India Bangalor - Bombay - Cawnpore Allahabad - Agra - Delhi- Simla - Beludschistan Baluchistan. Lebensgebiet der Belutschen Lahore - Multan - Quetta- Zahedan - Persia Mesched - Teheran - Irak Bagdad - Syria Damaskus - Aleppo - Alexandrette - Turkey Adana - Konstantinopel In Berlin on the "Avus-track", they were very welcomed by a lot of people.

Die Berichte waren in den Ausgaben von " Das MOTORRAD " Heft 08 Bildbeschriftung 2 Fotos roter Titel.

Heft 28 mehr Bericht. Heft 45 halbe Seite mit Foto. Heft 19 der ADAC Motorwelt in Hat Frank wohl noch! Hanni Koehler in Dunlop-Zeitschrift Srefan Masubach: In den Ardie-Heften waren Kopien der Berichte mit Fotos. Sohn Michael Skal in einem email an B. Wo dieses nach ihrem Tod gebleiben is, ist unbekannt in Zusammenfassung von MOTORRAD S.

Der Sturz des Engl. Dort war der Wert nur noch RM unterwegs! Dalbandin - vor Mirjawa liegt die Grenze zwischen persien und Belutschistan. Freunde aus dem ersetn persischen Dorf Zahedan riefen an: Hanni hatte die letzten km Fieber. Max wurde Angst und Bange. Hanni war die erste Frau, die den Berg bestieg. Und schwor, dass es ihre erste und letzet Bergbesteigung war. Sie hatten das Winken eines Polizisten nicht gesehen.

Danach war die Karte wieder braucn: Berge, Flussdurchfahrten, ausgefahrene Chauseen. Und ein halbfingerlanger Hufnagel. Schnelle Abfertigung an der persichen Grenze. Und eine dicke Rechnung. Das bedeutete Impfung an der Grenze und acht Tage Aufenthalt. Comlombo - Berlin auf Dunlop Nikator Gedrosien v.

Jahrhundert die islamische Eroberung Makrans. Jahrhundert wanderten die Belutschen ein. Bis vor wenigen tausend Jahren teilten die modernen Menschen dabei ihren Lebensraum mit weiteren Arten aus der Gattung Homoin Europa etwa mit den Neandertalern. Die Menschheitsgeschichte beginnt in Afrika. Die Menschen benutzten sicher zuerst alle Dinge aus der Natur als Nahrung. Und zur Verbesserung des Lebens: Die Altsteinzeit endet mit mit der Entstehung der Landwirtschaft als Jungsteinzeit.

Do you know if she has written a book? I got an e-mail from Bernd T. Looking through an old periodical "Svensk Motorsport" nr 11 fromon page found a noting. In a rough translation it says: We think to remember that she got an award. Hanni, who is immensly popular in Germany has resently completed a very attentioned longdistance journey.

She started from Ceylon, drove through India, Beluschistan, Persia, Irak, Syria and the Balkans back to Berlin and the Avus-track, where she was welcomed by a lot of people. Her partner was the photographer Ryschka, who experienced Auch diese Reise erfolgte auf einem Gespann der Marke "Ardie", diesmal auf dem Modell Silberpfeil mit - man beachte! I do not know a book about this tour to India. Who knows the exact dates of this publications in "Das Motorrad" and owns this magazines??

Umweltinstitut des Landes Vorarlberg Photograph in Wilhelmsdorf, Bemerkungen zur Betrachtung He kindly informed me about Hannis birthday!

After WWII, Hanni and Ottokar moved to Alaska. I do not know the dates of their deaths, however Ottokar Skal published at least one book after arriving in the US: Email from his daughter Miriam Friedman Morris: I found your website while searching for the archive of Hanni Koehler.

My father David Friedmann portrayed her in Berlin in I found her portrait published in the Berliner Zeitung am Mittag. I am hoping that the original portrait might be in her estate. Please send the email address of Michael Skal. If he doesn't know of the portrait, I will gladly send him and you a copy.

For more info about David Friedmann, see: I will check my notes about the resource, but I believe they both have the BZ am Mittag issue dated: One place has microfiche, the other the orginal newspapers of this issue. Probably you would learn everything you need to know from researching the newspapers about Hanni's trip from Asia to Germany. All you need is the date and time for the research in Berlin. First Woman riding overland Asia - Europe at all.

First Motorcycle riding Asia - Europe with a sidecar. Buch Donner und Motoren von The years Belgium Justine rode solo Arriving there she told that she had no idea of the mechanic of the motorcycle. She just trusted it. Exactly unknown so far. For sure via Burma - India. Asia Vietnam Saigon-Phon-Pengh she suffered here from a severe fall and had to stop for 10 days - Cambodia Angkor - Thailand Bangkok - Singapore bywhere she took on board via ship for Calcutta. Indeed she could not cross the Burmese mountains, as there were no roads.

Once in India she made a detour via the Himalayas to greet the Citroen Yellow Cruise. She was driving to Srinnagar and waited there more than a month until 26 June Crossing Cashmere Kashmir and Baloutchistan Baluchistan was particularly dangerous.

She had to buy a sidecar to carry water and fuel, so that she could reach Quetta. The city had just been destroyed in an earthquake. Once in Douzhab Persia tiredness, heat and non-drinkable water had the better of her. She was cured by a native Persian doctor and then went on with her trip. She drove 1, km from Douzhab to Mashhad, where there was nothing but desert and two or three small villages.

From Mashhad to Teheran 1, more km, where the landscape offered the same picture. First Woman riding solo overland Asia - Europe at all. First Motorcycle riding Asia - Europe with a solo bike. WHO knows more, may be addresses of her relations and the original publication? Er will mir diese schicken. Deze jongedame, dochter van een drukker van ansichtkaarten uit Arlon, verscheept haar eencilinder cc FN naar Indochina en start in maart in de stad Saigon aan haar eenzame tocht huiswaarts.

Onversaagd rijdt de dappere juffer via Birma en India naar het westen en begin kunnen de ouders haar weer in de armen drukken. Ook na de Tweede Wereldoorlog blijven de Belgen graag op de motorfiets 'le vast monde' ontdekken.

Actief is vooral FN. In stuurt de fabriek zeven paratroopers eropuit om op cc machines van Brussel naar het militaire vliegveld Kamina in Belgisch-Kongo te crossen. De kornuiten hebben daarvoor 67 dagen nodig. Zeven jaar later wordt een cc eenpitter, die een kilo zware aanhanger meezeult, kriskras door Afrika gestuurd om Justine Tibesar rides motorcycle from Vietnam to Belgium! Justine Tibesar, 22 years young, rode a FN motorcycle from Vietnam to Belgium in This article in French was donated by Mr.

Ron plans to ride in his Fabrique Nationale FN motorcycle from Australia back to the factory in Herstal, Belgium to celebrate its th birthday. Miss Justine Tibesar welcomed by leaders of the department of FN motorcycles after her return from Saigon.

The feat performed by a lady of Arlon BelgiumJustine Tibesar, deserves some attention here for a few minutes. Beginning of Translation as provided by Jerome Tibesar Justine Tibesar arrived in Saigon, after having traveled in America, Japan and China. On 10 March she came up with the idea to reach Belgium by road. She thus bought a cm3 Touring Standard motorcycle. The numbers for the frame and for the engine were written on it. Justine did not know how to ride a motorcycle.

This is why she decided, on March 13th, to take her driving test and, on March 16th she started her trip. However, once in Phon-Pengh Vietnam she suffered from a severe fall and had to stop for 10 days. Able to travel again she rode to Angkor Cambodia. She reached Singapore by Bangkok, where she took on board via ship for Calcutta. From Tehran to Quermanshah, it was the same. There was an epidemic of cholera in Baghdad and she encountered the risk to be quarantined when she wanted to go to Syria.

She avoided the desert and drove northwards, crossing Mossoul, Aleph and Constantinople. Crossing central Europe via Paris was a part of pleasure compared to what she had been through. About Marcus Lowell Tibesar. I am the youngest son of Peter Benedict and Jacqueline Mae Parks Tibesar. I am the grandson of Louis Tibesar, and great grandson of Antoine Tibesar the first Tibesar immigrant to the United States. I married a beautiful lady from the Philippines in when I was a young sailor in the US Navy.

Ria is beautiful and bright, well spoken in three languages, well read, a mother of four boys, a rock when times are tough, generous and helpful, caring, bubbly and outgoing, and a true servant of the Funny stockbroker cartoons. She is my only hero.

We empty nesters live in the Eastern seaboard resort city of Hampton in beautiful Virginia. We own a home in Arizona but, we prefer the Hampton Roads area since there is so much to do here. Beaches, sea food, ships and yachts, history, antiques, sights, wildlife, fishing, malls, moderate temperatures, affordable living, you name it — it is here in Hampton. I have been working on the Tibesar family tree since In I created a family tree website called Tibesar.

This year I decided to convert the start forex trading with $500 website into a Blog called Tibesar Archives. Marcus and Ria Tibesar.

Motorrad von Max Reisch und Herbert Tichy. Max Reisch auf der Reise. Publication der Reise in DAS MOTORRAD. Reisch in der Max Reisch Sammlung. C Foto Peter H. Auf ihrer Fahrt entdeckten sie das Grab von Walter Tonn aus Hannover, der es vorher per Motorrad versucht hatte.

Travel-Report about Europe - Asia in German language since Die neue Ausgabe mit ISBN-Nr.: Here you find the motorcycle and cars of his expeditions. You can possibly visit the private museum, if you ask Mr.

They were the pioneers who managed first this overland tour by a solo-motorcycle Europe - India. Sohn von Max Sledzinski, in Stromberg geboren und Maria Sledzinski, geb. Stransky, in Black scholes put option pricing formula geboren und Heinz Meyer Seine Eltern waren: Eine Reise per Gespann von Josef mit Reisekamerad Heinz Meyer ca.

Habe diese von Antiquariat Dr. Die Fahrt ins Blaue. Mit Motorrad und Kamera durch den Orient. Diese sind zu ca. Das entspricht dem ersten Reiseteil bis Istanbul. Also Negative, KB-Dias und 6x6 Dias, den originalen Diavortrag! Diesen Vortrag habe ich nicht als Dia!!! Nationalbibliothek und kann in Kopie bezogen werden: Seine Kinder werden den Nachlass nun weiter sichten und forex companies in lahore Rechte an Buch und Bildern wahrnehmen.

Seitdem hat er ihn leider nicht mehr gesehen. Achim besitzt jetzt die ca. Halina Bujakowska zusammen mit ihrem Mann Stanislaw Bujakowskim Er setzte von Druskininkai auf einem Motorrad aus auf options vs swing trade spy 19?

Fotos und Karte aus dem Buch hinten. Aber da war nicht der Seeweg von Kalkutta eingezeichnet. Dieses ist die korrigierte Karte und richtige Strecke: Mit dem Schiff von Kalkutta bis Rangoon. Zusammen angekommen in Shanghai nach Die Dschungel von Burma. Diese Expedition war keine Kleinigkeit und Abenteuersport.

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Nachfahren haben Manuskripte und Fotos in einem Koffer vom Halina gefunden. Das Buch ist eine Chronik der romantische Reise in polnischer Sprache. Auch eine Geschichte der Liebe zwischen zwei Menschen. Fotografien dokumentieren die gesamte Reise. I nteressante politische und historische Themen. Patrz, sluchaj i pisz Ona - Halina Bujakowska z domu Korolec, w chwili rozpoczecia ekspedycji letnia, szczupla, niewysoka, zawsze usmiechnieta szatynka.

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Stanislaw prowadzil motocykl, Halina siedziala w koszu. Na kolanach trzymala maszyne do pisania. Na postojach, w namiocie, przysiadlszy na skraju drogi, w kazdej wolnej chwili spisywala kronike zmagan z przeciwnosciami losu, dokumentowala obyczaje w egzotycznych krajach, notowala wrazenia ze spotkan z ludzmi i zwierzetami.

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Wir freuen uns auf eine Show, mit der er schon viele Jugendliche und Erwachsene begeisterte. Er arbeitete aber als Banker. Und schliesslich die Hochzeitsreise eines polnischen Paares mit einem Gespann. An einer deutschen und englischen Version wird gearbeitet. Oder an diese erinnerten. Und nicht offline data entry jobs from home in baroda etwa von allerbesten Fotos.

The Polish couple Mr and Mrs Bujakowski rode from Poland to China in on a BSA Halo. They left eastern Poland which is now Lithuania exchange rate dollar euro april 2016 travelled for 19 months.

They initially rode west through Poland to Germany, then Austria, then southeast through the Balkans, Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Iran, India, BurmaIndochina all the way to Shanghai. It was a total distance of 24,km. They had great adventures and run out of how does the government make money besides taxes, money and inner tubes many times, but we are particularly grateful to Mrs Bujakowski for documenting them.

All of her thoughts and observations were captured on the typewriter forex en son altin yorumlari they carried the whole way, along with their assorted armaments, however they were welcomed everywhere they stopped. Mit ihrem PKW, einem Ford C. La Route aux Aventures. Sie Fahrrad durch Italien und when to buy vapid shares Balkan, weiter von Beiruth nach Damaskus, von Irak und mit Hilfe der lokalen Bussen und Tutorial forex untuk pemula pdf durch den Iran und Afghanistan.

In Indien ist die Bikes sie dinglichen oval Ganges nach Kalkutta und nehmen Sie ein Boot nach Madras. Die Geschichte ist in Form von Tagebuchaufzeichnungen und Briefe nach Hause mit Freunden. Gedruckt im Jahr auf Westermann Verlag in Kopenhagen. Printed in at Wester's publishing house in Copenhagen. With two bikes, a tent, a little money and hardly any more starts authoress and her French is the spring of from Paris to India. They cycle through Italy and the Balkans, also from Beiruth to Damascus, through Iraq and using local buses and trains through Iran and Afghanistan.

In India the bikes they team Ganges to Calcutta and take a boat to Chennai. Since cycling them through southern India to a French colony where they settle down and live on Indian style. So begins the Second World War and since he is a French citizen, the couple must go to what was then French Indochina.

After two difficult years in this place with fevers and other troubles succeeds the couple come up with a boat that goes to France and return home spring of The slow way accounting entries stock options travel makes the author komer in real contact with the population and not only get a short insight into the hotel interiors.

The story is in the form of diary entries and letters home to friends. The book is in Danish and covers pages. With two motorcycles Gnome - Rhone, type R 3,1-Zyl. Paris - Tanger - Tripoli - Cairo by ship - Beirut - Jerusalem - Bagdad - Teheran - Kabul - New Delhi. Michel rode with three friends on a Lambretta to Tibet. Student verzaubernd reisend die Welt. Die abenteurliche Motorrad-Reise vom Rhein zum Ganges und weiter nach Australien zur Schwester.

Gustav Pfirrmann ist Journalist und ein echter Globetrotter. Ich lernte ihn auf einem DZG-Treffen. Die erste Motorrad-Reise vom Rhein zum Ganges RB. Er ist in Landau beerdigt. Lune de Miel en motocyclettes.

From the wedding bells round the world. In 3 years Around-The-World with two motorcycles Jawa CZ ccm: BMU amd I think they were sponsored by "Motokov" in Prague. Who knows them, their present address or publications about them?? Published in Austrian magazin "Motorrad Nr. But they could not find any info.

Watch the few petrol cans on his bike behind his feet. The sergeant Pierre rode solo with a Vespa ccm from Vietnam Saigon - to France Paris in 45 days with Before he has been working for two years in French Indochina as an aeroplane-mechanic. Vietnam Saigon - Cambodia - Thailand Bangkok - he flew with Vespa to India Calkutta - New Delhi - Afghanistan - Iran - Irak from Bagdad to Jordan Amman were kms off film lets make money zusammenfassung with much sand - Turkey Istanbul - Greece - Myer city boxing day trading hours - Italy - France Paris.

The French Vespa Magazin rode an articel about him. More fotos of the tour than the one on the website more. His father is 81 and living 1 hour from the museum. He will phone his fahther and ask him all. Er kennt seine Tochter. Peter Backhaus "on the road". Two screenshots out of the forex australian dollar forecast "Farbzauber des Orients".

Only two flat tires. To make a film for schools: Europe Germany Scholarships for students with learning disabilities in college - Switzerland - Italy - Greece - Asia Turkey- Syria - Libanon - Irak - Persia- Pakistan - India - Ceylon.

Back by ship to Europe. Rundfunk-Interview in in Baghdad. Besonders schwierige Strecken damals: Alexandropolis nach Edirne in Ostgriechenland. German Matthias Kirketerp is now the owner and has the rights of the films. He knew Peter H. Backhaus and his forex tanpa deposit dapat bonus personally very well.

In Peters film-archive Matthias found the original film-roles of the cinema-film "Around-The-World" after Peter died and a copy of the cinema-film. This has to be restored. Hopefully this will be out in as a TV-film and as a DVD for everyone. A trailer already exists for producers of the film.

Film "Barbzauber des Orients". Backhaus travelled through Germany and offered reports as well in schools. Around-The-World with two Goggomobiles: Marlotte Backhaus and Peter H.

Die Original-Filmrollen der Motorradtour gibt es nicht mehr. Auch die Original-Texte sind noch da. Er muss noch restauriert werden, was Sie sind bereits digitalisiert. Und das Buch und DVD des Goggomobilfilms Die alten Nitrofilme des Googofilms durften nicht mehr in Kinos gezeigt werden. Das Original-Filmaterial aus der Kamera gibt es nur von dem Goggo Chima burey forex, nicht von dem Farbzauber.

Der Farbzauber Film existiert nicht auf VHS sondern nur auf Celluloid Film - Dieser wurde mittlerweile zur Bearbeitung und Restauration digitalisiert. Werbetext zum Film in http: Und deshalb sind sie losgezogen, die damals noch nicht verheirateten Hamburger Marlotte Aue und Peter Backhaus, an einem kalten Oktobertag des Jahres Und ausgerechnet in einem Goggomobil.

Beruhigend wirkte der Hinweis, es seien ausreichend Mittel an Bord, um sie "von gra forex demo Ort der Welt heil mit dem Flugzeug nach Hause zu bringen". Spendable Glas-Werke machen den Goggo weltreisefest. Finanziert werden sollte die Fahrt unter anderem mit einem Film - Peter Backhaus war bereits vier Jahre zuvor mit einer Horex und einer mm-Kamera nach Indien gereist und hatte den Dokumentarfilm pros vs joes stock trading des Orients" mitgebracht.

Die Bolex H16 mit Revolverobjektiv und Federwerk musste alle 20 Sekunden aufgezogen werden, und das Filmmaterial verlangte sparsamen Umgang - zwei Minuten Umkehrfilm kosteten damals 40 Mark. Und auch sonst legten die Hamburger unterwegs Wert auf Stil: Before he made a long journey through Scandianvia with a Lambretta. In Syria desert the ignition stopped and he had to wait 25 hours without water befor a truck came. After 5 months he arrived in Saigon and passed Burma.

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Both rode on two Vespa Elite from Denmark to India Bombay. The route was not easy for them. Elisabeth wrote a book about this world stock market opening times ist in Danish: A Trip to India and the Middle East Kosten pro Person DMDie gesamte Reise inklusive der Busfahrt von Teheran nach Meschede betrug Purpose of your travel: Kourosch lud mich nach dem Studium zu einem Binary options verification in sein Heimatland den Iran ein.

Dann lernten wir in Mazedonien noch einen Tourist aus Burma kennen, der mit einem Motorrad von seinem Heimatland nach Westeuropa mit dem Ziel Schweden unterwegs war. Kardangummi in Istanbul defekt. Es gibt einen seitigen Tagebuch-Bericht. Bericht in einer Motorrad-Zeitschrift gab es nicht. Earlier motorcyle travel experiences: Cesare Battaglini Italian, born ca.

Winner of the over He won a million lire. Oriente Misterioso ed Africa esplorati col mio scooter. Around-The-World on a Lambretta. Phil Worrall GB and Fay Iforex trader platform GB Plan: Great Britain - Asia - Australia. Hans Winter halfen ihnen in Griechenland bei einer Reifenpanne. This were their addresses in PHIL WORRALL in HABLEDON RD.

AUSTRALIA and FAY KELAHER. And where they are data entry jobs from home in ongole Man from Burma Plan: Burma - Great Britain. Hans does not have a name or address but a options trader jobs uk trainee stockbroker. And where is he now?

It is the first and only time I hear that a person from Burma is riding a motorcycle from Burma to Europe. Michel Vasli and Serge Gracium French Indochina - France.

They started from Saigon heading for Paris on two Peugeot-scooters Indochina Saigon - Cambodia - Siam - India - Pakistan - Iran - Turkey - Yugoslawia - France Paris. America - by boat to Europe as a hitchhiker - bought in Italy a Vespa ccm - Binary option platform - Spain - Africa Morocco - ferry to Senegal Dakar - Mali - Guinea - Liberia - Ivory Coast - Ghana - Togo - Nigeria - Cameroons - CAR - Zaira - Uganda - Kenia - Ehtiopia - Eritrea - Sudan - Egypt - by boat to Asia Lebanon - Syria - Turkey - Iran - Pakistan - India- by train to Ceylon - sold the mc back to Piaggio - hitchiking to Australia - America.

Around the World on a Nickel. The story of 100 bet on binary options Oxford and Cambridge Far Eastern Expedition.

Der Grund der Reise: Der Monsunregen hatte in Nord-Burma eingesetzt und die Zeit reichte nicht. Singapore - Malaysia - Burma -? The Companion Book Club. In two women rode in 3 months on one ccm Lambretta from Great Britain to Australia. Europe Great Britain - France - Switzerlnd - Italy - Yugoslavia - Greece - Turkey - Asia Persia - Pakistan - India - Calcutta - by sea to Ceylon and Singapore - by plane to Australia Sydney.

ISBN and Ruth war ein aktives Mitglied der Far South Coast Fellowship of Australian Writers und starb im Jahr Mit der Vespa Ireland to India in the early '60s. ISBN 0 09 X. Buch im Selbstverlag herausgegeben. Anji rode solo with a Matchless. Purpose of this tour: Anji and his son are riding. Send the three best fotos of this tour in high scan-quality for your blog. Send the website of your agency to promote it.

Peter Dumlich in Peter Dumlich in in Lone Prairie in Canada in British Columbia He had asked Vespa to top stock market risers sponsor making a money corsage trip but never recieved an answer.

The scooter journey began on June 7, and came to a grinding halt broken rear axle on October 4, The total cost for the trip: The speedometer had broken halfway through my journey. The thirst for adventure and the irrepressible drive to see what was outside "THE WALL" was enough motivation to take on any risk. Europe Germany, Austria, Exchange rate between singapore dollar and euro, Greece, Western Turkey - Asia Eastern Turkey, Persia, East Pakistan, Afghanistan, India and Nepal Highlights of the journey: Wherever I went, I was absolutely astonished by the unexpected hospitality of the mostly poor people.

Low of the journey: When the scooter broke down in Nepal. I had to sell the Vespa in Kathmandu. By thumb and train back to Germany. Travel while you are young and single and never refuse offered hospitality. By now I have forgotten the fleas I picked up this way, but I have not forgotten that I slept in a "bed" while the owner of this bed slept on the floor. Considering, dass es in Persien dem heutigen Iran keine asphaltierten Strassen gab Teheran war die Ausnahme kann ich mit reinem Gewissen behaupten, dass auch ich einige Abenteuer im Sand erlebte.

Auf alle Faelle stimme ich mit Dir ueberein: Motorrad Reisende tragen zur Weltverstaendigung bei. He will send me a copy of the slides. Peter wrote to me: Was Du mit Text und Fotos von mir journalistisch machst, kannst Should i buy ko stock entscheiden, Bernd: Fuer mich zaehlt nur eine Sache.

Ich moechte, dass viele junge Leute, bevor sie sich ehelich festlegen und Kinder zeugen, erst die Welt ansehen und Botschafter fuer die Verstaendigung der verschiedenen Voelker und Religionen werden.

Es ist nicht der reiche Tourist, sondern der minderbemittelte Student, der zur Voelkerverstaendigung beitraegt. German Scooter Forum http: Das Motto der Reise von Roberto war, unterwegs auf seiner In vespa da Milano a Tokyo. Pane e chilometri Brot und Kilometer. Dieselbe story von Italy-Japan. Duckert Roberto war Rennfahrer, Reisender. THe Wohnwagen was a Thompson Glennevis and was tax implications of pattern day trading by a Vauxhall Cresta 3.

Recounts Colin Martin's trip from England to Australia Peter Knottley rode part of the journey too. Tom rode back " mil" with a HONDA CB KO ccm and a 23 liter fuel tank. After he finished his job in Kenya he wanted to go overland back to Sweden. By ship old passengership MS State of Haryana with It took them two days before they got their motorcycles through the burocracy. Article in Sewdish Mc.

Turkey Istanbul - Ankara - Iran Teheran - Esfahan - Kerman - Bam - km Niemansland bis Pakistan Grenzort Nok Kundi - Dalbandin - Quetta - Lahore - eine BMW hat Getriebeschaden, deshalb mit nur einer BMW nach Indien Ziel ist das Interconti Hotel in Delhi. Plan ist es in 11 Tagen wieder in Deutschland zu sein. Karl-Friedrich kauft bei mir Sandbleche ein. Danach gab es noch viele Kontakte.

Salzmann Europe - Nepal. The couple Salzmann from Weingarten rode with their Caravan Wohnwagen-Gespann Eriba-Touring Triton what swap means in forex days and In the homepage of Hymer they say: First Caravan in Nepal. Der damalige Schweizer Ehemann von Gisela Treichler, Robert Treichler, stellt das Buch vor: Der billigste Trip nach Indien.

Gerard Neveu Book in French: Jochen Jo flew together with his girlfriend Ingrid to Singaporewere he bought a Honda CB Four 50 horsepower duty free for the half market price of Germany. At this time it salon software for mac computers the first japanese four cylinder-motorbike availlable which was sold only two years later in the german market.

In total he travelled He was tired of beeing a busdriver, travelling many times 20 times as the driver of magic bus overland from Europe to Nepalalways experiencing lots of trouble with one of his many passengers. Together they travelled from Singapore to Malaysia and all over Thailand for 2 months 5. So Jo from now on alone shipped his bike from Malaysia Penang to How to get loads of money on pocket frogs Madras.

Along the eastcost he rode his bike down south to Rameswaram and took a boatpassage to Sri Lanka. Passing a dangerous Tamil Tiger-warzone at night, he enjoyed a hot swedish traveller girl in Colombo.

Back in India he describes a tragic traffic accident which almost cost his life by lynch-justice. Helpfull Railway-personal let him escape in a train-cargo-wagon.

So he seems to be a hardcore-traveller, from Goa on he rides his Sativa name of his motorbike with a plasterleg in which he integrates a kind of trestel on a ridersboot to be able to change the gears.

The route goes on via Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran into Turkey. From Bombay on he is travelling together with an also experienced Motorbikerider, named Brami. From Istanbul they rode the so called Autoput through Yugoslavia, Austria back home to Munich in Germany.

Everybody at this hippie-times wanted to find himself a freedom, different cultures and for sure not only sunny days but the sun, was enough motive to travel to Asia. The friendliness of the people enroute, hundreds of invitations were another great experience and the impression of Jo is, that bikies are admired by the people as the knights of all the adventurer and the explorer on the road.

Deffinetively the tragic traffic accident in Meysore India and having not enough time to stay over winter in Goa South Indiaso the trip got unpleasant after Teheran Iran with harse weather, even snowed in pass-roads in Turkey. Useful informations and TIPS for others: Later experiences of big Motorcycle-Tours: ThailandLaos and Cambodia on several occasions, to 07 Januar Enn Saik and Vadim Palm Jawaasub Kurtna Mootorrattamuuseumis from Estonia reached from Estonia reached Wladiwostok with two Jawa motorcyles Jawa after 6.

Or adressses of relations with Emails. Few would have to show the iron cross and the USSR championship. Old Masters final for the hike motorcycle saddle was a trip to the desert Karakumi - a. German motorcycle factory MZ DV test their products to Turkmenistan in order to sell them later in the Libyan army. Vadim became involved in the project after four Estonians. Vadim donated his famous, real as maintained hiking Kurtna Jawa motorcycle museum. Historical bikers can be seen in the museum on the second floor.

Such men are the younger generation motomatkajatele tubliks model. Written by Urmas Kauniste. Montabour - Kapstadt - Durban - Indien - Ladakh - D. Herbert Roelandt Belgium, born He likes to ride the motorcycle. And it foreign exchange rates euro to inr a lot nicer than working.

All the friends that I met. Herbert rides motorcycles since He rode much more than 1 million km on several motorcycles.

In he owns a BMW KRT with Herbert went 8 times to Northcape, Norway, and toured a lot in Scandinavia. Toured the Baltic states several times, as well as Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan etc Africa: He did several tours to North Africa.

First trip inlast junior league roanoke stocked market so far in to Mongolia. Toured all countries in Northern America several times. All between Panama and Alaska. Then the rebells of a new goverment stopped the kingdom. From now everybody coming from Europe - Iran had tp pass through Pakistan how to make money on smugmug reach India and Nepal.

With HONDA in 8 months. Cr u nsdreef 6. WHO knows this person, adresss? He rented a motorcycle there: Solo in one year with a BMW. Von Madras per Schiff nach Singapur- Malaysia- Thailand- Malaysia- Sumatra- Java- Bali- mit Schiff von Jakarta nach Hamburg.

MOTO - FERNREISE - TREFFEN Nino hat auf dem 7. Dieser Vortrag ist uns wegen Ninos Humors unvergessen. Einmal vom Motorrad- Reise- Bazillus angesteckt fuhr Nino wieder los: Ich kaufe mir dort ein kleines Motorrad: Einmal Motorradfahrer, immer Motorradfahrer!

Spain - France - Italy Ferry boat Brindisi-Igoumenitsa - Greece - Turkey - Iran in war with Irak then - Pakistan - India - Nepal - Tibet - China ferry boat Shangai-Osaka and Japan. Porpose of the trip: On arriving in Japan I had a bad experience with HONDA JAPAN who didn't help me at all when I asked them if could they envited me to see their instalations, new models, circuits, etc.

Not friendly people at all!!! Just dreaming being awake!!! The most fantactic trip I ever did!! Sponsored by Honda Spain spare parts ; AGFA-GEVAERT; Garibaldi Spanish motorcycle clothes and equipment ; Junta de Andalucia; Ayuntamiento de Cadiz; Serval; Palmera Spanish tools company. Published six chapter in Solo Moto Spanish Motorcycle Magazine ; 1 Report in The Adventurers U.

Asked for second update??.??. Zu Gast bei Engelbert Boos: Sein Gespann wartete im Garten einmal wieder auf eine Reparatur. Three Trips to Russia: They intend to ride and travel the next ten years. Eric and Gail Haws from USA visited us first time.

Eric and Gail started riding motorcycles. The American lawer and Mc-Traveller Eric is carrying his wife on the back of his BMW, because - as he told me here in Zweifall at my home - she is the "boss". But in fact she is following him where ever he wants to go: They were the first riders I know travelling from Magadan along the BAM - railway through Siberia to Moscow and Finland They learned to love the Russian friendship and the mosquitos.

The trip took place in and I was living in Hong Kong and we received permission to drive from Hong Kong to Gwelin only five days. The next year we got permission to do Hong Kong-Shanghai for two weeks. We were one of the first people let in by bike after thats what they told us anyway. They advertised our trip and when we arrived in Fuzhou there were several thousand people waiting for us, including the governess of the province of Fujian as well as old communist officials. We were several bikes and we had a police car in front and one at the rear for the entire trip.

Francoise und Philippe Deck: ISBN 0 06 6. Giorgio wrote a book about his Vespa trip from Rome to Saigon in with 7,5 months. He also did Alaska - Tierra del Fuego in Vespa He has done other trips all on a Vespa but I have no other specifics. Il Raid Mototuristico means The Mototurism Raid, I can not explain it. Milano Teatro Dal Verme. He is a cult traveler in the Vespa world tourers. And has published about 5 books about his mototouring experiences by now.

He passed away in unfortunately. He got food poison while planning to do his vespa tour of Tibet. I know his wife, Yapei, who lives in Jingghon China. If you want I can get you in contact with her. Giorgio Bettinelli and his wife were visitors of the Tesch-Travel-Treffen.

His book "In Vespa" came out in Vietnam language in The translated version was launched at Casa Italia, 18 Le Phung Hieu, Hanoi. In MarchBettinelli stopped at Saigon, now Ho Chi Minh City, after covering 24, km across 10 countries during seven months on his cc PX Vespa.

According to the Scootering Magazine, Bettinelli got his first Vespa in when he was After returning to Italy, he continued his Vespa adventures through a number of countries. He wrote several books about his trips, but they are only available in Italian.

Bettinlli, who worked as a writer and journalist in his lifetime, died in China from a sudden illness inaged He lived there for 4 years with his wife Yapei.

EUR 6,99 Kindle Edition. All books see www. Tesch-SUZUKI DR Dakar with "TeschAluminum-Tank 40 l". Both rode with two SUZUKI DR Dakar Back by plane to Moscow and by bikes back to Germany. Unbelieveable friendship of Russian people. A journey in the European past. The SUZUKI DR was my best enduro until this time: No puncture, no mechanical problems. I prepared this tour 4 years since with hundreds of letters including those to German canceler Kohl and president Gorbatschow who answered "No".

But I did NOT give up. Finally I succeeded tricky to get visas. Slides-Show at the the 15th Motorcycle-Meeting for World-Travellers: Atlantik Frankreich - Transrussland- Pazifik Wladiwostok. Brochure "EurAsia - Motorrad - Tour " German, With motorcycle from the Atlantic to Pacific. Kate was the first Australian and woman who cycled "in one line Transrussia on this way". Kate cycled in five months days Accompanied by Brit Greg Yeoman and five different Russian cyclists who covered various sections of the trip, the day expedition was completed one day ahead of schedule, before the onset of the severe Russian winter and despite tackling the 1,km swamp in eastern Siberia, where no vehicles could pass.

It is beautifully written and well worth the read. Theo and his daughter Andrea rode on ONE BMR GS from Austria feldkirchen to China Pejing Mitgeschrieben bei Telefonat Mit Visum und diesem Schreiben bekam er problemlos an der chinesischen Grenze wichtig: Ein "Carnet de Passage" wurde in China nicht verlangt!

Verkehrszeichen aus China besorgen lassen. Die Polizei - Kontrolle erfolgt nur an den Provinz - Grenzen. Tanken und Nahrung in China war kein Problem. Alle - km Tankstelle. Das Preisniveau in China liegt eher unter dem russischen Niveau.

Dauerte zwei Tage bis Abflug. Das Klima in GUS und China war sehr warm: Bis auf Schauer kein Regen. Genauer Strecken - Verlauf: As well for his 2 months motorcycle-tour in SAmerica.

Theos passion has always been motorcycle-travels. Once the policeman lost his hand completely. But he did not give up and so he rode with one hand and a prothese and his daughter on the pillion from Austria to China and entered it. And the doctors of medicine managed to adapt this hand to him successfully. Walter Colebatch and James Mudie Australian motorcyclists, born both?? Both set out from Japan to become the first people to ride and conquer the roads, cities and vast expanses of China, Mongolia, Siberia and Kazakhstan, unescorted, on their way to London.

The Tokyo to London Project is the story behind that journey. Bruno Blum gave me his address. But I did not have time to look at this. His email did not work out of the homepage. I copied the homepage and tried to send him a first email with my firm-portrait.

Klaus travelled with his friend Claudia Liebe three months from Dehli to Istanbul. From India to Pakistan, Kaschmir, Kashgar and Kyrgyzstan by bus, then by russian sidecar bike URAL to Istanbul. Going overland to or better from India was a dream since he travelled with his parents to Iran when he was six years old.

With "Hundred Days in Asia" his dream came true. This trip was full of highlights: Most of all the people and races along the trip and almost no other tourists and the landscape especially in Kashmir.

Travelling in the CIS in was a special experience, before almost no information was available, thanks for your help Bernd!!!! At the end we ran out of time, and URAL is of poor quality.

Germany - Austria - Italia - Turkey - Iran - Pakistan - India. We took a ferry from Venice Italy to Marmaris Turkey. Back to Europe we took a plane for us and the motorcycles. I want to travel around the world, step by step, with my motorcycle. Most of the people were very friendly and hospitable, but unbeatable in Turkey!!!

We got in prison, without a reason, for 1 day in Kurdistan Turkey. I got Malaria in Pakistan. The terrible traffic in India. Important useful informations for others: C Foto aus seiner facebook-Seite Through Japan from Kobe to Shanghai, by plane via Hongkong back to Germany. The idea was visiting the sister-cities of Hamburg Marseille - Prag - Dresden - St. Petersburg - Osaka - Shanghai Starting with four, but finishing solo. It was not the problem of that excellent bikes.

After many tours to Siberia then by bike at that time and for many years longest tour in this region on own Wheels. Friendship with many good people. Visiting Republic of Tuwa by bike. Stolen carburators in Moscow. And - because of heavy rains no chance to ride all Siberia on own wheels. Still one of the best slideshows of this: And others, as well as short stories, see appendix Useful informations and TIPS for others: Many on Eastern Europe and Russia.

Since then various times to Russia also by bike. This Summer again with some friends to Lake Baikal and Ulan-Ude by bike from July 18th to Aug. Und drei beste Fotos erbeten. Claudia Yamaha XV and Uli MZ ETZ rode 5. Germany Ahrweiler — Munich — Italy Venice - via ferry from Venice I — Greece Patras — Piraeus — Israel Haifa — by motorcyle to Nahariya — libanese border — Golan Heights - Lake of Tiberias — Westbank along river -Jordan — Jericho - En Gedi — Dead Sea — Eilat — along egyptian border — Mizpe Ramon — Jerusalem — Akko — Haifa — back via ferry from Haifa — Piraeus and Patras — Venice Highlights: Lake of Tiberias, golden Jerusalem wonderful at sunset.

No horn-blowing like in Italy. My useful informations and TIPS for others: Lead free fuel available. Avoid trouble with israelian police and follow instructions of israelian soldiers. Ferry Piraeus — Haifa cancelled since Only Freight liners available Monfalcone — Haifa or via Syria, Jordania, Egypt Carnet necessary Our earlier experiences of big Motorcycle-Tours: The inhabitans told him that he probably was the first western person coming from the west.

The Russians plan to finish the road via Amur-river parralel to transsib in Toyama - Hokkaido - Tokyo - Iwata Yamaha Japan - Nagoya - Nara -Kyoto - Osaka - Hiroshima - Nagasaki - Shanghai.

Shanghai - Peking and back without motorcycle the motorcycle was kept in customs at Shanghai. By boat to Hong Kong. No chance to ride in Vietnam, because of law: No bikes over ccm. By boat to Singapur. Port Dickson - KL - Penang - Suratthani - Bangkok - Nakon Ratchasima - Ubon Ratchathani - Savannakhet - Khon Kaen -Vientiane - Muang Paxan - Pakxe. Border Kambodscha - Stung Treng - Kampong - Cham - Phnom Penh -Angkor - Wat without motorcycle - Kampong Chnang - Battambang - Aranyaprathet - Bangkok - retour CH.

At present he rides in New Zealand. He was the first Swiss I know riding the kms along the Amur-river overland in and the first one I know at all. Toni was one of the very first I know who made it into Kambodscha with his own motorcycle. Exchanging At once some letters with Toni I found out that he is a very experienced mc-world-traveller having lost a part of his diary and fotos in the Mekong-River Kambodscha.

About 17, riding miles and 4. Both rode BMW's R 80 GS Routes: Andy rode from Duluth, Minnesota, USA to Seattle, Washington, USA where the tour began. We rode to Hyder Alaska and Watson Lake Canada via the Cassier Highway and continued to Anchorage Alaska. We flew from Anchorage to Magadan, Siberia with the bikes. By bike across eastern Siberia and around the west side of Lake Baikal to Ulan Ude.

From Mongolia we entered Ulan Ude and spent about 3 weeks riding to some smaller cities and towns there. From Mongolia we entered northern China and rode to Beijing with a Chinese guide. And then went north along the east coast and re-entered Russia near Vladivostok.

After crossing to Sachalinsk Island we rode around there until reaching the port of Holmsk. From Holmsk by ship to the island of Hokkaido, Japan. The bikes were shipped back to the United States from the port of Yokohama. Back in the USA, Helge rode from Los Angeles to Seattle and Andy returned to Minnesota.

Exploration, Photography, and avoiding office work and related responsibilities. Border crossing between Russia and Mongolia. Riding terrain across Siberia and Mongolia. The end of the tour Book or publication: Ten Years on Two Wheels by Helge Pedersen Useful information for others: Use full knobby tires. Pack as light as possible. Earlier Experiences of big Motorcycle Tours: Helge Peterson, around the world.

Andy Goldfine, USA, Mexico. The story of Andys firm Aerostich: Andy started his Company Aerostich, a wear house with a huge catalogue for Motorcycle-Equipment in to make synthetic armored riding suited for riders who wanted to commute yet not have to change clothing. It is a coverall type garment worn over street clothing for protection from crashing and bad weather when riding".

Andys personal riding has been across USA, Canada, and Mexico and also a single trip across with Helge Pedersen East Asia including Siberia, Mongolia, China and Japan. The 2-wheels-master Dirk rode solo with Erker-BMW R GS PD from Germany to Nepal. Germany Duisburg - Slowakei - Polen - Tschechische Rep.

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The Himalayas and Karakorum - Highway The Worst: My friend Dietmar got ill on the Karakorum Highway and I thought he will really die. Contact Dirks firm "Do it"! Huge petrol-tanks and e. You, the rider, can they besides the motorcycle when Dirk makes the total-check of your bike and you get personal explanations and become more fit for your travel. Dirk also takes care for the Tesch-BMW! His one-man-garage is called "Do it!

Then she worked as a motorcycle-courier in London for twelve months and covered a distance of Then she started solo a very rare motorcycle-tour via ex-soviet union countries to the border of China. She crossed China by train and public busses. The Chinese authorities allowed Heather to take her bike 10 km from the Vietnam boarder, and she then crossed by boarder after much hassles by both the Chinese and Vietnamese boarder guards and rode down to Hanoi.

From London to Vietnam 15, approx. They rode across Russia to Mongolia. In Vietnam, became ill and was running low of funds.

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She put her bike in storage in Hanoi and flew back to Cairns, Qld Australia. Heather plans to continue her world motorcycle journey in the future. Mobil Oil is sponsor. To explore the world and grow from the experience.

Getting sick and feeling weak in China. Would like to complete Vietnam Asia leg back to Australia before publication. Pack your bike, put on your helmet, turn the key and ride down the driveway Earlier Experiences of big Motorcycle-Tours: Kirgistan mountain passes, living in yurts, horse riding. Having to deal with the Chinese customs officials in Urumqui. I would be reinbursed the money once I had the bike stamped out of China, but would have to fly back to Urumqui to collect it.

Since she is studying English and Journalism in Australia anf got her defree as a bachlor if journalism in may They want to vist me when they are on their "RTW" when they are They forgot that B. She is the first person I know who managed this route AND entered Vietnam in by her own motorcycle coming from China. Dave got this idea visting Bernd Tesch in who travelled Atlantic France to the Pacific Russia, Vladiwostok with SUZUKI DR Dakar. But Bernd and his friend Alfred took a train about 1.

Normally you cannot do this in summer because of too may rivers and swamps along the Amur River. T o get another Guiness-record for being the first riding ther whole tour Atlantic - Pacifik by bike without using a train in the Amur-river-area.

France Le Conque - Paris - Germany in Zweifall to Bernd Tesch - Poland Warsaw - Belarussia Minsk - Russia Moscow - Ufa - Chelibinsk - Irbet - Omsk - Novosibirsk - Irkusk - Ulan Ude - Chita - Schovorodino - Haberausk -Vladivostok. Riding The Edge Riding The Ice He wrote one of the best compliments I ever got in my guest-book: In 8 months Maurits rode solo with a Honda XR Never driven motorbike before, Driving license Europe Luxembourg - France - Italy - Greece - Turkey - Georgia - Azerbaijan - Turkmenistan - Uzbekistan - Asia China Taklimakan - desert with a guide - Pakistan Karakorum highway - India - Nepal.

From Nepal by plane to Japan. By boat from Japan to Russia Vladivodstok - riding back through Russia to Europe to Finland - by boat to Germany - by bike to Belgium - Luxembourg. I never new where I was going to be during the night, did not take a tent with me, always slept at peoples home, did not bring any spare parts, as I did not know what could brake. Never the worst Publications: Revue Earlier experiences: Publications Revue but lots of Radio August Tour European Countries by motorcycle?

Luxembourg - Germany - Poland - Kaliningrad - Litauen - Letland - Estland - Russia - Finland Left reparing the Enfield in New Delhi. Beside the road in Rajasthan. A solo trip around the entire coast of India on a Enfield Bullet cc. Everything between New Delhi The people and their constant help and teaching. A better understanding of myself and others. Watching my motorcycle be put on a small, rickety boat by three wiry, little Indian men, then floated across the Ganges to safety on the other side.

Losing my control, getting mad, and chasing a man down a dark alley. All the drivers in India. Motorcycle accident running into a boy with a bicycle. Is finished and looking for a home. This website will provide updated information on the progress of the book's publication. Bombay - Goa - Karnataka - Kerala - Tamil Nadu - Andhra Pradesh - Orissa - West Bengal - Sikkim - Assam - Arunachal Pradesh.

Hampi, Temple towns in Southern India e. Maduraispending a week in the house of a Dalit family, indigenous mountain people in Orissa, Rath Yatra festival in Puri, Sikkim, remote areas in the North East. Getting beaten up by an Indian policeman, Dengue Fever The best of the tour: The worst of the tour: Without the Swiss Toni Sliz I do not know anybody, who has been with his own bike in Cambodioa before.

Nobody who has been for so long in Laos by bike before. They came here for recommendation and got two Tesch-Racks for their SUZUKI DR Inviting by the big boss of SUZUKIs from Thailand for dinner.

Overland by bike from Thailand to Cambodscha Anghor Wat. Denmark - Germany - Eastern Europe??? He did NOT succeed to enter Pakistan and India without Carnet.

Not to be allowed to enter Pakistan without Carnet de Passage. Steal of money in a Pakistan hotel. To be carried back trough Iran by lorry without Carnet. Participant of the Mc-Meeting for WORLD-Travellers, May be nothing will happen, I will find a quiet place just south of here, sit down, drink coffee and read some books". Peter got the first price for the longest way coming all the way form the Pakistan border in time: The "Allrad-Becher" 4-wheel-drive can.

Then I can speak about it, because I do not know anything about it. The mechanical engineeer Gerd rode about two years solo Europe - Asia - Australia with YAMAHA SR Germany - Tchec Rep. To be "on the road". To meet people allways if you are in case of emergency. Flight over Vanuatu islands. Gerd met Patricia Govers and Bernd Tesch by accident "on the way" from Australia to Tasmania. He took a lot of my time to answer all his questions free of charge concerning to travel overland from Germany to Nepal in four weeks in december I told him that some others have done this before but I cannot recommend this because of cold and danger of accident because of too high speed: Germany - Nepal in three weeks Martin made it with an HONDA Africa Twin starting with kgs.

He had no puncture with the motorbike on From Germany left He sleept in hotels where the friendly Turkish people aloud him to park his motorcycle inside - he reached Turkey bordertown Dogubayazit passing sometimes ice on the road after six days riding km each day - Iran border took some hours - then totally 2.

A total traafic chaos with cars, lorrys and animals. Sometimes he could only avoid an accident by riding in the next field of rice - Nepal is a paradise comparing to India with green subtropic forest in southen Tarai - Martin arrived in Kathmandu Martin relaxed 8 days in Kathmandou-Valley - back in Germany by plane. The German Uwe is nearly living since three years in Mogolia and has covered more than He wanted to oganise a Motorcycle-tour in Mongolia in but did not succeed.

In the tour will start. I asked him to add an article to my written recommendation "Mongolia-Motorcycle-Tours" which everybody who is interested in a Mongolia-Mc-Tour can ask for by sending DM 60,00 in advance. The German Peter is on the road from Germany to India with two friends. Push down, brakes, feathers. Bausenhart Canada, German born England - Russia - China - England. The in German born and in Canada living Werner 62 rode solo Harbin - Beijing - Lanzhow - Kashgar - Khunjerab Pass - Pakistan Rawalpindi - Islamabad - Iran - Turkey - Greece - Italy- Austria - Germany - France - England London.

By air to Canada with bike. Broken driveshaft in China. A huge trip nobody had done before in this way solo or in a group. Michael is a redacteur of the German mc-magazine "Motorrad".

Rainer has worked there before and works now at the outfitter Woick. For both have been waiting at Torugartpass China a Chinese car with a guide, who really accompined them at each step. They even were not allowed to search for their own hotel or what they want to eat at night. They got permission only three days for transit China. There they sold there car and entered China with a visum by backpacking: When Bernd Tesch and his son Min Tesch have been in China for four days in we already heard that some rich Dutch guys entered China with their Motorcycles some weeks before with a Chinese guy and car who was waiting for them on the Chinese site.

They had to pay a lot of money for this Chinese guy from a travel agency. They wanted to travel through China to Pakistan. I have already prepared a written recommendation about CHINA-MC-TOURS. It is telling you all the stories how mc-travellers got into China since by themselves and the only ways you can ride in China with your own mc nowaday. I can send this by email.

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